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In , a British expedition to Tibet , spurred in part by a fear that Russia was extending its power into Tibet as part of the Great Game , was launched. Although the expedition initially set out with the stated purpose of resolving border disputes between Tibet and Sikkim , it quickly turned into a military invasion.

The British expeditionary force, consisting of mostly Indian troops , quickly invaded and captured Lhasa, with the Dalai Lama fleeing to the countryside. The Qing imperial resident, known as the Amban , publicly repudiated the treaty, while the British government, eager for friendly relations with China, negotiated a new treaty two years later known as the Convention Between Great Britain and China Respecting Tibet.

The British agreed not to annex or interfere in Tibet in return for an indemnity from the Chinese government, while China agreed not to permit any other foreign state to interfere with the territory or internal administration of Tibet.

In , the Qing government sent a military expedition of its own under Zhao Erfeng to establish direct Manchu-Chinese rule and, in an imperial edict, deposed the Dalai Lama, who fled to British India.

Zhao Erfeng defeated the Tibetan military conclusively and expelled the Dalai Lama's forces from the province. His actions were unpopular, and there was much animosity against him for his mistreatment of civilians and disregard for local culture.

After the Xinhai Revolution — toppled the Qing dynasty and the last Qing troops were escorted out of Tibet, the new Republic of China apologized for the actions of the Qing and offered to restore the Dalai Lama's title. During this time, Tibet fought Chinese warlords for control of the ethnically Tibetan areas in Xikang and Qinghai parts of Kham and Amdo along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

China refused to sign the convention and lost its suzerain rights. When in the s and s the regents displayed negligence in affairs, the Kuomintang Government of the Republic of China took advantage of this to expand its reach into the territory.

Emerging with control over most of mainland China after the Chinese Civil War , the People's Republic of China annexed Tibet in and negotiated the Seventeen Point Agreement with the newly enthroned 14th Dalai Lama 's government, affirming the People's Republic of China's sovereignty but granting the area autonomy.

Subsequently, on his journey into exile, the 14th Dalai Lama completely repudiated the agreement, which he has repeated on many occasions. The Dalai Lama had a strong following as many people from Tibet looked at him not just as their political leader, but as their spiritual leader.

Afterwards, the Central People's Government in Beijing renounced the agreement and began implementation of the halted social and political reforms. In , General Secretary and reformist Hu Yaobang visited Tibet and ushered in a period of social, political, and economic liberalization.

The government halted reforms and started an anti- separatist campaign. The central region of Tibet is now an autonomous region within China, the Tibet Autonomous Region. The Tibet Autonomous Region is a province-level entity of the People's Republic of China.

It is governed by a People's Government, led by a chairman. In practice, however, the chairman is subordinate to the branch secretary of the Chinese Communist Party CCP.

In it was reported that, as a matter of convention, the chairman had almost always been an ethnic Tibetan, while the party secretary had always been ethnically non-Tibetan. All of modern China, including Tibet, is considered a part of East Asia.

Tibet is west of the Central China plain. In China, Tibet is regarded as part of 西部 Xībù , a term usually translated by Chinese media as "the Western section", meaning "Western China".

Tibet has some of the world's tallest mountains, with several of them making the top ten list. Mount Everest , located on the border with Nepal , is, at 8, Several major rivers have their source in the Tibetan Plateau mostly in present-day Qinghai Province.

These include the Yangtze , Yellow River , Indus River , Mekong , Ganges , Salween and the Yarlung Tsangpo River Brahmaputra River. Tibet has been called the "Water Tower" of Asia, and China is investing heavily in water projects in Tibet. The Indus and Brahmaputra rivers originate from the vicinities of Lake Mapam Yumco in Western Tibet, near Mount Kailash.

The mountain is a holy pilgrimage site for both Hindus and Tibetans. The Hindus consider the mountain to be the abode of Lord Shiva. The Tibetan name for Mount Kailash is Khang Rinpoche. Tibet has numerous high-altitude lakes referred to in Tibetan as tso or co. These include Qinghai Lake , Lake Manasarovar , Namtso , Pangong Tso , Yamdrok Lake , Siling Co , Lhamo La-tso , Lumajangdong Co , Lake Puma Yumco , Lake Paiku , Como Chamling , Lake Rakshastal , Dagze Co and Dong Co.

The Qinghai Lake Koko Nor is the largest lake in the People's Republic of China. The climate is severely dry nine months of the year, and average annual snowfall is only 46 cm 18 inches , due to the rain shadow effect. Western passes receive small amounts of fresh snow each year but remain traversible all year round.

Low temperatures are prevalent throughout these western regions, where bleak desolation is unrelieved by any vegetation bigger than a low bush, and where the wind sweeps unchecked across vast expanses of arid plain.

The Indian monsoon exerts some influence on eastern Tibet. Northern Tibet is subject to high temperatures in the summer and intense cold in the winter. Sus scrofa expanded from its origin in southeast Asia into the Plateau, acquiring and fixing adaptive alleles for the high-altitude environment.

Monkeys such as rhesus macaques and langurs live in the warmer forest zones. Tibetan antelopes, gazelles, and kiangs gaze on the grasslands of the Tibetan plateau. There are more than bird species in Tibet. Because of the high altitude and harsh climate, there are few insects in Tibet.

Snow leopards are hunted for their fur and the eggs of black-necked cranes have been collected as a delicacy food.

Cultural Tibet consists of several regions. These include Amdo A mdo in the northeast, which is administratively part of the provinces of Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan. Kham Khams in the southeast encompasses parts of western Sichuan, northern Yunnan , southern Qinghai, and the eastern part of the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Ü-Tsang dBus gTsang Ü in the center, Tsang in the center-west, and Ngari mNga' ris in the far west covered the central and western portion of Tibet Autonomous Region. Tibetan cultural influences extend to the neighboring states of Bhutan , Nepal, regions of India such as Sikkim , Ladakh , Lahaul , and Spiti , Northern Pakistan Baltistan or Balti-yul in addition to designated Tibetan autonomous areas in adjacent Chinese provinces.

There are over settlements in Tibet. Lhasa is Tibet's traditional capital and the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region. Lhasa contains a number of significant temples and monasteries, including Jokhang and Ramoche Temple. Shigatse is the second largest city in the Tibet AR, west of Lhasa.

Gyantse and Qamdo are also amongst the largest. Other cities and towns in cultural Tibet include Shiquanhe Gar , Nagchu , Bamda , Rutog , Nyingchi , Nedong , Coqên , Barkam , Sagya , Gertse , Pelbar , Lhatse , and Tingri ; in Sichuan, Kangding Dartsedo ; in Qinghai, Jyekundo Yushu , Machen , and Golmud ; in India, Tawang , Leh , and Gangtok , and in Pakistan, Skardu , Kharmang , and Khaplu.

The Tibetan economy is dominated by subsistence agriculture. Due to limited arable land, the primary occupation of the Tibetan Plateau is raising livestock, such as sheep , cattle, goats , camels , yaks , dzo , and horses.

The main crops grown are barley , wheat, buckwheat , rye , potatoes, and assorted fruits and vegetables. Tibet is ranked the lowest among China's 31 provinces [80] on the Human Development Index according to UN Development Programme data. These include Tibetan hats, jewelry silver and gold , wooden items, clothing, quilts, fabrics, Tibetan rugs and carpets.

Forty percent of the rural cash income in the Tibet Autonomous Region is derived from the harvesting of the fungus Ophiocordyceps sinensis formerly Cordyceps sinensis ; contributing at least 1.

The Qingzang railway linking the Tibet Autonomous Region to Qinghai Province was opened in , but it was controversial. In January , the Chinese government issued a report outlining the discovery of a large mineral deposit under the Tibetan Plateau.

The Chinese government sees this as a way to alleviate the nation's dependence on foreign mineral imports for its growing economy. However, critics worry that mining these vast resources will harm Tibet's fragile ecosystem and undermine Tibetan culture. On January 15, , China announced the construction of Tibet's first expressway, the Lhasa Airport Expressway , a The project will cost 1.

From January 18—20, , a national conference on Tibet and areas inhabited by Tibetans in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai was held in China and a plan to improve development of the areas was announced. The conference was attended by General secretary Hu Jintao , Wu Bangguo , Wen Jiabao , Jia Qinglin , Li Changchun , Xi Jinping , Li Keqiang , He Guoqiang and Zhou Yongkang , all members of Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

The plan called for improvement of rural Tibetan income to national standards by and free education for all rural Tibetan children. China has invested billion yuan about dollars in Tibet since The State Council approved Tibet Lhasa Economic and Technological Development Zone as a state-level development zone in It is located in the western suburbs of Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region.

It is 50 kilometres 31 miles away from the Gonggar Airport , and 2 km 1. The zone has a planned area of 5. Zone A developed a land area of 2.

It is a flat zone, and has the natural conditions for good drainage. Historically, the population of Tibet consisted of primarily ethnic Tibetans and some other ethnic groups. According to tradition the original ancestors of the Tibetan people, as represented by the six red bands in the Tibetan flag , are: the Se, Mu, Dong, Tong, Dru and Ra.

Other traditional ethnic groups with significant population or with the majority of the ethnic group residing in Tibet excluding a disputed area with India include Bai people , Blang , Bonan , Dongxiang , Han , Hui people , Lhoba , Lisu people , Miao , Mongols , Monguor Tu people , Menba Monpa , Mosuo , Nakhi , Qiang , Nu people , Pumi , Salar , and Yi people.

The proportion of the non-Tibetan population in Tibet is disputed. On the one hand, the Central Tibetan Administration of the Dalai Lama accuses China of actively swamping Tibet with migrants in order to alter Tibet's demographic makeup. Religion is extremely important to the Tibetans and has a strong influence over all aspects of their lives.

Bön is the indigenous religion of Tibet, but has been almost eclipsed by Tibetan Buddhism, a distinctive form of Mahayana and Vajrayana , which was introduced into Tibet from the Sanskrit Buddhist tradition of northern India. During China's Cultural Revolution , nearly all Tibet's monasteries were ransacked and destroyed by the Red Guards.

Monks returned to monasteries across Tibet and monastic education resumed even though the number of monks imposed is strictly limited.

Tibetan Buddhism has five main traditions the suffix pa is comparable to "er" in English :. The Chinese government continued to pursue a strategy of forced assimilation and suppression of Tibetan Buddhism, as demonstrated by the laws designed to control the next reincarnation of the Dalai Lama and those of other Tibetan eminent lamas.

Monks and nuns who refused to denounce the Dalai Lama have been expelled from their monasteries, imprisoned, and tortured. It was reported in June that amidst the — China—India skirmishes , the People's Liberation Army had been forming a new unit for Tibetans who would be taken to Buddhist monks for religious blessings after completing their training.

The first Christians documented to have reached Tibet were the Nestorians , of whom various remains and inscriptions have been found in Tibet. Roman Catholic Jesuits and Capuchins arrived from Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. Portuguese missionaries Jesuit Father António de Andrade and Brother Manuel Marques first reached the kingdom of Gelu in western Tibet in and was welcomed by the royal family who allowed them to build a church later on.

In another Jesuit, Johann Grueber , crossed Tibet from Sining to Lhasa where he spent a month , before heading on to Nepal. These included the Jesuit Father Ippolito Desideri , —, who gained a deep knowledge of Tibetan culture, language and Buddhism, and various Capuchins in —, — and —, [] Christianity was used by some Tibetan monarchs and their courts and the Karmapa sect lamas to counterbalance the influence of the Gelugpa sect in the 17th century until in when all the missionaries were expelled at the lama's insistence.

In , the Protestant James Cameron from the China Inland Mission walked from Chongqing to Batang in Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture , Sichuan province, and "brought the Gospel to the Tibetan people. Famous earlier missionaries include James O. Fraser , Alfred James Broomhall and Isobel Kuhn of the China Inland Mission, among others who were active in this area.

Proselytising has been illegal in China since But as of [update] , many Christian missionaries were reported to be active in Tibet with the tacit approval of Chinese authorities, who view the missionaries as a counterforce to Tibetan Buddhism or as a boon to the local economy.

Muslims have been living in Tibet since as early as the 8th or 9th century. In Tibetan cities, there are small communities of Muslims , known as Kachee Kache , who trace their origin to immigrants from three main regions: Kashmir Kachee Yul in ancient Tibetan , Ladakh and the Central Asian Turkic countries.

Islamic influence in Tibet also came from Persia. A Muslim Sufi Syed Ali Hamdani preached to the people of Baltistan , then known as little Tibet. After , a group of Tibetan Muslims made a case for Indian nationality based on their historic roots to Kashmir and the Indian government declared all Tibetan Muslims Indian citizens later on that year.

There is also a well established Chinese Muslim community gya kachee , which traces its ancestry back to the Hui ethnic group of China. Tibetan representations of art are intrinsically bound with Tibetan Buddhism and commonly depict deities or variations of Buddha in various forms from bronze Buddhist statues and shrines, to highly colorful thangka paintings and mandalas.

Rendered on cotton cloth with a thin rod at the top, they portray Buddhist deities or themes in color and detail. Tibetan architecture contains Chinese and Indian influences, and reflects a deeply Buddhist approach.

The Buddhist wheel , along with two dragons, can be seen on nearly every Gompa in Tibet. The design of the Tibetan Chörtens can vary, from roundish walls in Kham to squarish, four-sided walls in Ladakh. The most distinctive feature of Tibetan architecture is that many of the houses and monasteries are built on elevated, sunny sites facing the south, and are often made out of a mixture of rocks, wood, cement and earth.

Little fuel is available for heat or lighting, so flat roofs are built to conserve heat, and multiple windows are constructed to let in sunlight. Walls are usually sloped inwards at 10 degrees as a precaution against the frequent earthquakes in this mountainous area.

Standing at metres feet in height and metres 1, feet in width, the Potala Palace is the most important example of Tibetan architecture. Formerly the residence of the Dalai Lama , it contains over one thousand rooms within thirteen stories, and houses portraits of the past Dalai Lamas and statues of the Buddha.

It is divided between the outer White Palace, which serves as the administrative quarters, and the inner Red Quarters, which houses the assembly hall of the Lamas, chapels, 10, shrines, and a vast library of Buddhist scriptures.

The Potala Palace is a World Heritage Site , as is Norbulingka , the former summer residence of the Dalai Lama. The music of Tibet reflects the cultural heritage of the trans-Himalayan region, centered in Tibet but also known wherever ethnic Tibetan groups are found in India, Bhutan , Nepal and further abroad.

First and foremost Tibetan music is religious music , reflecting the profound influence of Tibetan Buddhism on the culture. Tibetan music often involves chanting in Tibetan or Sanskrit , as an integral part of the religion. These chants are complex, often recitations of sacred texts or in celebration of various festivals.

Yang chanting, performed without metrical timing, is accompanied by resonant drums and low, sustained syllables. Other styles include those unique to the various schools of Tibetan Buddhism, such as the classical music of the popular Gelugpa school, and the romantic music of the Nyingmapa , Sakyapa and Kagyupa schools.

Nangma dance music is especially popular in the karaoke bars of the urban center of Tibet, Lhasa. Another form of popular music is the classical gar style, which is performed at rituals and ceremonies.

Lu are a type of songs that feature glottal vibrations and high pitches. There are also epic bards who sing of Gesar , who is a hero to ethnic Tibetans. Tibet has various festivals, many for worshipping the Buddha, [] that take place throughout the year. Losar is the Tibetan New Year Festival.

Preparations for the festive event are manifested by special offerings to family shrine deities, painted doors with religious symbols, and other painstaking jobs done to prepare for the event. Tibetans eat Guthuk barley noodle soup with filling on New Year's Eve with their families.

The Monlam Prayer Festival follows it in the first month of the Tibetan calendar , falling between the fourth and the eleventh days of the first Tibetan month. It involves dancing and participating in sports events, as well as sharing picnics.

The event was established in by Tsong Khapa, the founder of the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama's order. The most important crop in Tibet is barley , and dough made from barley flour—called tsampa —is the staple food of Tibet.

This is either rolled into noodles or made into steamed dumplings called momos. Meat dishes are likely to be yak , goat, or mutton , often dried, or cooked into a spicy stew with potatoes.

Mustard seed is cultivated in Tibet, and therefore features heavily in its cuisine. Yak yogurt , butter and cheese are frequently eaten, and well-prepared yogurt is considered something of a prestige item. Butter tea is a very popular drink.

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Download as PDF Printable version. In other projects. Wikimedia Commons Wikinews Wikiquote. Ethno-cultural region in Asia. This article is about the historical ethno-cultural region of Tibet.

For the current Chinese administrative division, see Tibet Autonomous Region. For other uses, see Tibet disambiguation. This article's images may require adjustment of image placement , formatting , and size. Please see the picture tutorial and the image placement policy for further information.

June Greater Tibet as claimed by Tibetan exile groups Tibetan autonomous areas , as designated by China Tibet Autonomous Region , within China Chinese-controlled, claimed by India as part of Ladakh Indian-controlled, parts claimed by China as South Tibet Other areas historically within the Tibetan cultural sphere.

This article contains Tibetan alphabet. Without proper rendering support , you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Tibetan characters. Main article: Etymology of Tibet.

Main article: Standard Tibetan. Main article: History of Tibet. Further information: History of European exploration in Tibet and Foreign relations of Tibet. Main articles: Neolithic Tibet , Zhangzhung , and Pre-Imperial Tibet.

Main article: Tibetan Empire. Main articles: Mongol conquest of Tibet and Tibet under Yuan rule. Main articles: Phagmodrupa dynasty , Rinpungpa , and Tsangpa. Further information: Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty.

The Khoshut Khanate , — Tibet in Royaume de Thibet "Kingdom of Tibet" in la Chine, la Tartarie Chinoise, et le Thibet "China, Chinese Tartary , and Tibet" on a map by Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville , based on earlier Jesuit maps. Tibet in during the Qing dynasty.

Main article: Ganden Phodrang. Main articles: Chinese expedition to Tibet and Tibet under Qing rule. Main article: Tibet — Main article: History of Tibet —present.

Main article: Geography of Tibet. Climate data for Leh — Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high °C °F 8. Further information: List of populated places in the Tibet Autonomous Region. This section needs to be updated.

Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. October Main article: Economy of Tibet.

See also: History of Tibet —present and Demographics of Tibet Autonomous Region. Main article: Tibetan culture. Main article: Religion in Tibet. Main article: Tibetan Buddhism. See also: Catholic Church in Tibet. Main article: Islam in Tibet. Main article: Tibetan art. A thangka painting in Sikkim.

A ritual box. Main article: Tibetan culture § Architecture. Main article: Music of Tibet. Main article: Tibetan festivals.

Main article: Tibetan cuisine. See also: List of Tibetan dishes. See also: Traditional games of Tibet. This section is empty. You can help by adding to it.

January Princeton University. July 1, Archived from the original on March 18, Retrieved March 6, February 24, Archived from the original on May 23, Retrieved March 29, Archived from the original on May 28, Retrieved November 12, The closest it has ever come to such recognition was the British formula of suzerainty , combined with autonomy and the right to enter into diplomatic relations.

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heard tale after tale of civil disobedience in outlying hamlets. In one village, Tibetans burned their Chinese flags and hoisted the banned Tibetan Snow Lion flag instead. detained nine villagers One nomad said 'After I die my sons and grandsons will remember.

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